Orders placed before 11pm benefit from being sent to most of Next’s 500 stores the following day with free delivery. Delivery times cannot be guaranteed and are subject to stock availability and demand.
Store delivery can also be made to Gap stores.
To find your nearest Next store, please visit the following link: or you can also find your nearest store during checkout. Simply click on the store option on the Delivery Options page.
The “store information” will display your closest Next store, based on your account address. If this store isn’t suitable, or you’d like your order to be sent to a different store, type the town, city or postcode of the store in the search field, and then click on “Search” to see the list of possible stores. You can also search for your nearest Gap store, by visiting the following link:
If we have a mobile telephone number registered on your account, Next will send a text message to confirm the parcel(s) are in store ready for collection. If you’ve registered an email address on your account, we’ll send an email too.
Items will be available to collect in most Next or Gap stores the next day from 12 midday, but please wait for your confirmation before travelling to the store.
Please take some personal identification when collecting your order from the store.
- This can be a driving licence, utility bill, credit, or debit card.
- Information showing your account details such as your Next store card, Next statement, a dispatch note, or the letter which accompanied your Directory.
Your order will be available for collection for 10 days from delivery to the store. If the order isn’t collected, we’ll return the parcel(s) to our warehouse, where the return/refund will take place. For further details, please see our Terms & Conditions.
Stores will not take orders for collection during our busy Sale period. Specific delivery details will be confirmed when you place your order.
Additionally, some stores aren’t able to accept orders for collection due to:
- Space or storage restrictions at the store.
- The store is closing for refurbishment.